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anterior displacement中文是什么意思

用"anterior displacement"造句"anterior displacement"怎么读"anterior displacement" in a sentence


  • 向前移动
  • 向前移位


  • Result : the midfacial complex was displaced anteriorly , forward growth of mandible was restricted ; the mandible exhibited a downward and backward rotation ; an significant increase was showed on the lower facial height ; the class incisor relationship was corrected by anterior displacement of the upper incisors and posterior displacement of the lower incisors
    结果:上颌向前移位改良生长量,下颌的向前生长受到抑制;下颌以髁突为中心向下、后旋转,使下颌空间位置发生变化;下颌的顺时针旋转将造成面下1 3长度增大;上、下颌前牙发生牙性代偿的掩饰作用。
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